We believe that every student should have two things when they step into our ministry: a place to BELONG and a person who BELIEVES in them. Small Groups is the perfect environment for students to receive both of these things. Our vision is to create safe spaces for students to open up about, not only their faith, but their lives as well. It is important that in our ministry, every student feels seen and heard.
Every Sunday, our students meet in small circles where they check-in with their group about how their week was and what is going on in their lives that they need prayers for. These small groups are a community that is intentionally created and designed for students to feel like they can be open and that they can be their authentic selves. Our small groups will focus on various topical themes throughout the year that are applicable and accessible to the specific phase of life our students are currently in.
Our ministry’s strength comes from the leaders who help lead it. Every Sunday, over thirty adult mentors/leaders facilitate a conversation that is designed to guide students into a deeper relationship with Jesus. Not only that, these leaders are also there to walk side-by-side our students as they navigate the middle school and high school world. Because of small groups, EVERY student has someone who sees them, hears them, and connects with them on a weekly basis.
If you would like to get your student plugged in to a small group, please contact Josh at josh@sohillschurch.org